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Tips and tricks for on the road

With over fifteen years of backpacking experience under my belt I’m here to give you some tips for your travels. Here you can find my packing lists, tips for camping and backpacking, safety tips and tips on solo travel.

Safety tips for the adventurous solo backpacker!

Due to the popularity of the previously written post 'How to Keep Your Money Safe While Traveling?', I decided to share more tips on...

How to Win The Great Visa Game of Southern Africa &...

For BoB's Epic Adventure (and for most other long-term trips), there is not that much preparation needed. The three most important things are: book your first...

Best Places to Travel When Solo and On a Budget! Updated...

Let's talk about the best places to travel when solo and on a budget! Two of the most common travel myths include: You need lots of...

Ultimate camping tips for beginners and first-timers!

On top of a rock in Indonesia, where the wind was so strong the tent-cloth touched my face, I camped. In between a colorful sea of tents...

How to choose the ideal backpack (without going crazy)?

For my upcoming trip BoB's Epic Adventure, I decided it was time for a new backpack. After long and careful consideration, I finally opted for the beautiful...

Eight ethical travel dilemmas: What will you do?

In the last decade, 'ethics in travel', 'sustainable travel' and 'responsible travel' has received increased attention from both travelers and the travel industry. As tourism...

Ten ways to hold on to that holiday feeling (when you’re...

I just got back from consecutive trips to Sri Lanka, Prague and the Costa Brava and I'm feeling miserable. I'm suffering from excessive fatigue,...

Some simple tips for packing your backpack

"Manouk, is that all you have with you"? I get that question a lot. Compared to friends I'm a light packer. Especially when it...

The pros and cons of a homestay program abroad

 In my early twenties I traveled to Shjiazhuang, a large industrial city south of Beijing to participate in a one-month homestay program of an...