20 things to do in Kraków and a 4-day itinerary

Kraków (pronounced kra-kuhf in Polish) is one of those cities you simply can keep coming back to. This was my third time in Kraków...

What to do in the Pieniny Mountains in Poland?

Located about a one and a half hours drive from Kraków you will find the gorgeous Pieniny Mountain range. Although quite popular with Polish...

A guide to the Giant Mountains and the Table Mountains in...

Getting lost in a labyrinth of weirdly shaped rock formations, spending the nights in castles like it's usual business and hikes to crystal clear...

4 amazing day hikes in the Tatra Mountains in Poland

There is something about mountain lakes. Their beauty, peacefulness and remoteness have always fascinated me. I love the bright ever-changing turquoise-blue colors and the...