How to Win The Great Visa Game of Southern Africa &...

For BoB's Epic Adventure (and for most other long-term trips), there is not that much preparation needed. The three most important things are: book your first...

Backpacking Southern Africa: an ultimate overview

With the hostel's dog snoring next to me and a Savannah beer on the table, I finally found time to write this overview article...

On work and wanderlust

Isn't it ironic? Since I have my travel blog, my travels have become fewer than ever before. Even though I know these two are not correlated,...

Introducing Favoroute, travel guides created by bloggers

Today July 17th 2014 was launched. This is an online market for independent and interactive guidebooks. These guidebooks are written by travel journalists...

Sleep Less , Dream More – A night on a deserted...

Have you ever heard of the Togian Islands? Nope. Great! Then you are about to discover the most unique destination in Indonesia. The Togian archipelago...

Sleep Less, Dream More – On a (almost) deserted Filipino island

Palawan must be one of the most gorgeous islands in The Philippines. We decided to go off the beaten track here and island hop...

Sleep Less Dream More – A Stranger in the Sechura

Jeff McAllister visited Peru's Sechura desert during one of his portrait projects. Read his story below. This post is part of the series called ‘Sleep...

13 best hostels for solo travelers in Asia – social, cheap and...

Solo travel is fun, but can be lonely at times. Hostels are the perfect place to make new friends. For me, the difference between...

Snap shots of Sri Lanka

Stumbled upon some photos of my 2015 Sri Lanka trip! Our Sri Lanka trip was a crazy, beautiful roller-coaster ride full of highs and...