Some simple tips for packing your backpack

"Manouk, is that all you have with you"? I get that question a lot. Compared to friends I'm a light packer. Especially when it...

Review: Fujifilm Instax Mini 25 polaroid camera

About the Fujifilm Instax Mini 25 polaroid camera: The 'Fujifilm Instax Mini 25' is a cool small polaroid camera creating photo's in the wink of...

Review: Suit Suit Fabulous Fifty Trolley

About the Suit Suit Fabulous Fifties Trolley The 'Suit Suit Fabulous Fifties trolley' is a mint green weekend suitcase from the 'Fabulous Fifties' line. The...

Money Matters: How much it costs to travel in the Philippines

Grietje Evenwel and her boyfriend traveled the Philippines for 29 days. For Bunch of Backpackers they kept track of all their spendings. So, let's find...

Responsible travel gear: Fair trade scarves of Bruut van Bot

Wouter Struijk en Robert Hooft Nepal Bruut van Bot
We met on Instagram. Two design engineers from Delft, one travel blogger from nearby Rotterdam. Wouter and Robert had just started their own clothing...

Review: Fujifilm Instax 210 polaroid camera

Polaroid Fujifilm Instax 210
About the Fujifilm Instax 210 polaroid camera: The 'Fujifilm Instax 210' is a huge polaroid camera creating photo's of about twice the size of a...

Introducing Yonderbound, the social approach to hotel bookings

As a backpacker I usually just show up at an accommodation. I only use booking websites such as or when I really...

Money Matters: How much does it cost to travel Vietnam?

Hoi An Market copy
Emily Luxton traveled throughout Vietnam for 45 days. She survived crossing the streets in chaotic Hanoi, sailed a boat in magical Halong Bay and...

The pros and cons of a homestay program abroad

 In my early twenties I traveled to Shjiazhuang, a large industrial city south of Beijing to participate in a one-month homestay program of an...