Have you ever noticed that more and more people have DSLR’s? And have you also noticed that all those people wear the same boring neck straps? Eighty percent (not evidence-based) of the time they are black and yellow (Nikon) or black and red (Canon). Since the brand name fills your whole strap, you’re pretty much a walking advertisement. So, why not turning your camera strap into a more fashionable item? Maybe with a bit more colour and design and a bit less brand name? Here are some options for funky and cool camera straps!
Updated in 2018
Funky, cool camera straps!
I went looking for a strap that was cool, hip, funky and colorful. It also had to be comfortable, strong and durable. At first, it seemed like a mission impossible, until I stumbled upon a Dutch webshop called ‘Kekke camerariem’ (which means something like funky camera strap). I have the Indian Summer strap and everywhere I go, I’m approached by people asking me where I got it. This is obviously a good sign!!

About the funky camera strap store ‘Kekke Camerariem’
‘Kekke camerariem’ opened his doors in June 2013, but has quickly become very popular amongst photographers. In their webshop they offer a wide range of hip camera neck straps with dreamy names like ‘The valley’, ‘Indian summer’ and ‘Amerikano’.
What are the hip camera straps made of?
The camera strap feels comfortable around your neck (even after wearing it 4 days in a row during a Machu Picchu hike!), because the strap is partly made of neoprene rubber. The neoprene camera straps are soft and strong across the whole strap, and are therefore a bit more expensive. Neoprene is a material often used for diving suits, wetsuits etc. and is soft, elastic and strong. The funky part of the camera strap is unique with each strap. There are more than 40 different neoprene straps designs on offer with dreamy names like ‘The valley’, ‘Indian summer’ and ‘Americano’.

Other places where you can find cool camera straps!
Other places we found on the internet that offer cool camera straps include: My Funky Camera, Capturing Couture and IMO strap. However, Bunch of Backpackers preferred ‘Kekke Camerariem’s trendy Indian Summer strap. We used this strap for the DSLR in Peru and were very satisfied with the comfort, the strength and of course the funkiness!
If you’re more into leather camera straps?
I also stumbled upon a beautiful leather camera straps store: Lucky Straps. This story was started by a wedding photographer, who was -just like me- tired of boring camera straps. Now, he sells beautiful leather camera straps in different lengths, which you can customize with your own name or logo. I absolute love the color of the leather!

Bunch of Backpackers was in no way connected to this shop nor did it receive a reward at the time of writing this article. *Update Okt 2014 * Bunch of Backpackers organized a contest with Kekke Camerariem.
What do you think of these cool camera straps :)?
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You can also buy cool straps on http://www.imostrap.com !